Family Therapy

Therapy and Counseling
for Families

North Texas Family Counseling

A family is a system of aggregate parts, each part dependent on the others — when one hurts in a family, all are affected. We are all created from and into relationship, and we bring others into relationship based on relationships that came before. Because of these truths, true healing happens in and through the family system. Working with the family allows for exploration of dynamics passed down through the generations and, ultimately, healing from the inside out. Walking hand in hand. coming to the table together, each member can feel held and supported by the others.

Why Families in North Texas Choose Kairos Counseling and Family Therapy

At Kairos Counseling & Family Therapy, therapists trained and licensed in Marriage and Family Therapy support families in a manner that honors each individual while at the same time holding the system and its healing as vital to the healing of the individual.