Therapy and Counseling for Depression
Is it difficult to see the light through the darkness? Do you ruminate over events in the past? Are you having trouble engaging in school/work/pleasure activities and/or relationships?
It’s important to realize that feeling down at times is a normal part of life. Sad and upsetting events happen to everyone. But, if you’re feeling down or hopeless on a regular basis, — if you feel that you are in a dark pit that you cannot climb out of — you could be dealing with depression
According to the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) Model, all behavior serves a purpose of protection of self, depression included. How often do we hear, “Depression is a choice… Just pull yourself out of it and be happy.” However, we don’t see it in that manner at Kairos Counseling and Family Therapy. We believe it is a state of being for protective purposes.
In honoring the depression, we give a space to explore the story of the depression, the moments that led to the darkness. In turning toward the darkness, it allows the disassembling and aligning of the components that led to the depression — whether physiological, environmental, or trauma-based.

How Does Kairos Depression Counseling and Therapy Work?
Depression is a state of being that affects the mind, body, and heart, and at Kairos Counseling and Family Therapy we provide a multi-modal therapy for depression.
Through psychoeducation we bring understanding to the components of depression toward greater understanding and a sense of awareness. Exploration with Sand Tray Therapy allows for stories to unfold and use of EMDR Therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) reprocesses disturbing memories and experiences toward a new acceptance and possibility.